About Us
One healthcare system, across multiple sites, working in partnership to provide better, faster and safer care to the population of the Black Country and beyond.
NHS-Led Provider collaboratives are partnerships that bring together two or more NHS trusts to work together at scale to benefit their populations. These partnerships are being established across England as part of a national policy, entitled “Working together at scale: Guidance on Provider Collaboratives”, that requires all trusts providing acute and mental health services to be part of one or more provider collaboratives by April 2022.
The Black Country Provider Collaborative (BCPC) is made up of four main trusts:
- The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust
- The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
- Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust
- Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Together, we work collaboratively to deliver effective, accessible, and sustainable care services across the Black Country, reaching a total population of around 1.3million people.