Relationship with ICB
NHS England established 42 statutory integrated care boards (ICBs) on 1 July 2022 in line with its duty in the Health and Care Act 2022. This was as part of the Act’s provisions for creating Integrated Care Systems (ICS’s).
ICSs are partnerships of NHS bodies and local authorities, working with other relevant local organisations, that come together to plan and deliver joined up health and care services to improve the lives of people in their area.
Each ICS has an integrated care board, which is a statutory NHS organisation responsible for developing a plan in collaboration with NHS trusts/foundation trusts and other system partners for meeting the health needs of the population, managing the NHS budget, and arranging for the provision of health services in the defined area.
The Black Country Provider Collaborative (BCPC) sits as part of the delivery infrastructure of the ICS and the four acute community and primary care providers have been working collaboratively on a range of quality and service improvement initiatives since late 2020.