System Developments

The Black Country Provider Collaborative proactively seek opportunities for working at ‘scale’, and in such instances, will progress key developments on behalf of the partner organisations to enable the delivery of better patient care.

Systems Development

Key examples of such work have centred around:

  • successfully securing national resources for accelerating the delivery of elective, diagnostic or cancer care (for example, the Targeted Investment Fund)
  • strategic initiatives which support better care for the Black Country population, optimal delivery of new models of care and the repatriation, resilience, and consolidation of specialised services into the Black Country.

Some key examples of recent system developments include:

  1. The pursuit of a business case to procure two additional Surgical Robots bolstering Robotic Assisted Surgery (RAS) across the Black Country
  2. A successful Targeted Investment Fund submission for an Orthopaedic North Hub elective care ‘cold site’ development which saw the establishment of four additional theatres at Cannock Chase Hospital
  3. The establishment of a Mohs Surgery service in the Black Country, repatriating activity currently being provided beyond our geography and enabling access to high quality care locally
  4. The successful establishment of Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs) at Cannock Chase and Corbett Outpatient Centre, in addition to the development of business cases for new CDCs at Bilston and Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospital
  5. The pursuit of a system wide Patient Tracking List (PTL) and a Cancer PTL to better manage Black Country referrals and deliver reductions in health inequalities, timely care with positive health outcomes.

Through our clinical networks, we continue to explore all system development opportunities and anticipate pursuing a ‘Case for Change’ in the near future as the Integrated Care Board (ICB) Clinical Strategy and Joint Forward Plan clarify future system intent.